Thinking of starting a wonderful sport that caters for all age groups and all abilities.
There are not alot of sports that can take that claim, but Line Dancing is one of them. I have classes for all levels of fitness and abilities and the whole time you are dancing and having fun you are getting a huge amount of benefits.
1/ Line Dancing is a choreographed routine of dancing in lines (so no partners necessary) which in turnworks the brain.
2/ While working thebrainyou are using differentmuscles/ yourbalanceand yourmemory.
3/ And while all this is going on you arelistening to wonderful musicfrom all genres. Did you know music has wonderful effects on the body. It is known to stimulate emotions. Help with anxiety. Can uplift your mood. Is known to lower blood pressure and sometimes help with pain relief.
4/ And if that is not enough, it is a wonderful, safe environment tosocialisein.
I teach from my Raw Beginners (which I call my Gentle Classes) through to my Intermediate Plus Classes so there is a class for you.
How good you consider yourself as a dancer does not matter. We are there for the fun and the social aspects and all the benefits that come with it are a big plus.
Come along and give it a go.....You might just find a wonderful addiction with awesome side effects :)
Please be aware that my beginner courses start at the
beginning of each year and is a 12 month program.
You are quite welcome to join during the year but
I cannot go back to the start of the program until the beginning
of the following year.
Beginner Classes for 2025 will commence
Feb 5th at Morwell
Feb 6th at Heyfield / Feb 7th at Newborough
The first 3 levels of Line Dancing
Raw Beginners Level 1-Where the basic Line Dancing steps are taught
Gentle Improvers Level 2- The next level of steps & choreography are
taughtbut you must have a good understanding of basic steps
Improvers Level 3- The next level of choreography and timing is taught
Generally new Raw Beginner classesstart at the start of the year.
That is not to say you can't join in between. Just remember you are
not getting in on the ground floor, but you still will be able to pick it up.